Cinema of Horror 2

Cinema of Horror 2 film poster

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Cinema of Horror 2

This is a fun, escapist, feel good, quirky story about filmmaking.

What do Zombie Movies and Bollywood have in common? Cinema of Horror 2.

Three passionate film students engage in spirited debate to create stories to save the big screen, but life imitates art as screen writing and reality merge to become one.

It is a timely diverse story of cinema for those who are inspired to watch, make, learn and be part of the story of film.

Director Biography – Peter M Kershaw

Short Biography: Peter M. Kershaw (He/Him)
Born in Yorkshire, England now based in the American Southwest, Peter is an International award-winning writer/director & producer. His short films often combine his love of animation with live action. Peter is currently developing a number of full-length drama feature projects through his production company, Duchy Parade Films.


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